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Why Church Online

...Imagine attending church with

  • Incarcerated family members           

  • Military family members serving abroad 

  • Relatives in other cities

  • Loved ones who travel

  • A friend on Facebook

Our Purpose:

To bring absolute glory to the Lord God Almighty. To repre-

sent Him, His kingdom and His interests as ambassadors here on earth, ascertaining favor with both God and man

Our Vision:

To build mentors for the kingdom of God who live, perfect,

and train others to attain wholeness in the four lanes of life

by being doers of the Word of God; thereby ensuring Christ

returns to a church without spot, wrinkle or any such


Our Mission:

To transform the broken, the torn, those who lack direction

in confronting the challenges of life, to lead them into be-

coming effective kingdom mentors in 3 ½ years.

Our Core Values:

  • GOD's Word directs us in everything we do: It's how we live

  • We walk in a posture of graciousness: never vain

  • We are trustworthy: we do not cheat or betray

  • We honor parents: both our natural and spiritual

  • We are truthful: we do not lie

  • We desire and promote betterment of our own: we do not hate or bear jealousy toward our neighbor or his/her possessions

  • We respect people: we do not judge, tear down or kill

  • We rest and relax for one full day for balance in our lives

Our Tagline:

"Our GOD offers an open window from heaven to meet all of our needs. We shouldn’t have room to receive.  Do we? If yes, there is still more Work to be done.”

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