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About Us

MilKe (pronounced 'milk') Ministries was a God-Inspired ministry given to the couple as an avenue through which to reach and empower believers to live and successfully operate in the Kingdom of God. Partners in marriage for over thirty years, their lives have been an example of how lack in each lane can become wholeness through prayer and fasting. They’ve learned it and are now applying, living, and teaching it. Learn more about the awesome ministering gifts through their individual pages, accessible through the links to the left at the top of the page.

What Is Church “On the Line” (COtL)?

COtL® is a way of attaining the most essential benefits of church in collaborative effort with the brick-and-mortar building, enabling us all to unite and create a larger, more diverse family of believers at one time, of one mind from around the world integrating teleconferencing and webinar.

How Does It Work?

Our members are taught the Word of God live three mornings a week from 4am – 5am CST .  They dial-in from where they are, enter the teleconference access code and wait for the start of service.

Why Does It Work?

COtL® works because our strategy maximizes people’s time and their needs.  We are proud of our members’ heightened potential to grow and strengthen spiritually because they receive what they need when they need it. We meet four days a week, engaging live questions through two-way interaction and with minimal infringement upon their most hectic timeframes.  And, because we carry minimal overhead, money can be re-invested into the needs and anointing of the people.

Why Early Morning Services?

Our members are taught the Word of God live three mornings a week from 4am – 5am CST.  They dial-in from where they are, enter the teleconference access code and wait for the start of service.

Who Should Attend?

At MilKe Ministries®, we recognize that COtL® may not be

for everyone and that’s okay. Our members are typically people who need instruction in four specific areas of life’s challenges: Health, Finances, Relationships and Work. Our members transcend all socio-economic levels, age and backgrounds. We are Pastor to the everyday working person as well as to private V.I.P’s (Nicodeme-ites). Our members are learning to trust solutions from the Word of God, because they have experienced the frailties of man, the fickle-ness of people and have oftentimes been hurt by others as well as themselves from their own poor choices. They need to experience the love, redemption, teaching, and mentoring power of a Saving God.


Who or What is a " Nicodeme-ite"?

A “Nicodeme-ite” is a person of prominence, fame and

affluence, well recognized to the general public, who

lacks wholeness in some aspect of their life for which

they need Godly council but unable to appear publicly

in a brick and mortar building for various reasons. At

MilKe Ministries ®, we offer closed services to these

Individuals held at special times on closed venues.

How Do I Attend as a Visitor?

At MilKe Ministries®, we welcome you to visit us at COtL®

services. Listen in, ask questions, get answers, practice

what you learn and come  back and share with us how the

Word of God worked in your life. Go to our Schedule of

Services to obtain our dial-in number and access code.

Our Partners:

Partners of MilKe Ministries, COtL®  are believers in Christ

from around the world who are members of other

churches of various denominations connecting daily for

continued spiritual strengthening. Because our services

also include Monday, Wednesday & Friday, our Partners

find it value-added to connect during the week. At MilKe

Ministries® we are committed to being a support leg to

cover our fellow Believers and sister churches who name

the name of Christ as their Lord and Personal Savior.  These

partners support MilKe Ministries, COtL® with monthly seed

donations in acknowledgement and thankfulness for what

they have received via the teaching of the Word of God.

How We Operate:

At MilKe Ministries, COtL® we believe that measurement

and tracking of the right things is paramount to maximizing

success and effectiveness of any endeavor. Moreover, we

believe that the greatest investment that one can make is

that of their life to Christ; and with every prudent

investment, one should expect a return. We believe that

when “you” tithe into the storehouse of God, “you” receive

a return. And, this is the means of ensuring that “you”, His

ambassador here in the earth, has sufficient provisions

to do His work without dependency on a foreign system.

Therefore, our Performance Metrics keep our members

abreast of the return on their tithing investment they can

expect to receive at the end of each week in order to

fulfill the plans that God has for them here as ambassadors

on earth. Check it out! It’s rewarding and fascinating!

How Do I Become A Member of COtL®?

Becoming a member of MilKe Ministries, COtL® is easy

4-step process designed for your development, spiritual

growth, and Wholeness in your area(s) of need:


    1. Visit a minimum of two services first:

Our members are taught the Word of God live three mornings a week from 4am – 5am CST.  They dial-in from where they are, enter the teleconference access code and wait for the start of service.

2. Acknowledge during the service your interest in becoming a member:

At COtL®, before each service ends, four appeals (i.e. invi-

tations are extended. One of those invitations is to become

a member of COtL®.

3. Complete the” Wholeness Index Assessment®“Pre-Work:

The ”Wholeness Index Assessment®“ is an instrument

comprising a series of questions across four lanes of

Wholeness. It identifies which lane(s) an individual is

most in need of developing. It produces a Wholeness

Development Plan (WDP)® emphasizing “doing” God’s

Word; particularly, in areas where Wholeness is needful

4. Register online for COtL® New Member’s Classwork:

Each new member of COtL® will have explained to them

the results of their Wholeness Index Assessment® and the

scriptures that will be emphasized during services to aid in

their growth. They will be taught the Vision/Mission/Values

of MilKe Ministries®, along with the protocol of the line, as

well as expectations of them and the role of their Pastors.

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